I got this email forwarded by my friend...till now you would able to figure out most of my post here are your contributions :)
The narration language if I am not mistaken is Hebrew but regardless of the country that invented it but to me it is quite an invention.
The short clip is about how animal behavior aspiring the technology advancement into benefiting man kind in search and rescue mission or other dangerous operation that required human intervention. Have fun…
Labels: Goodies
Old But Reliable...
Recently I visited my colleague's new home which is still under renovation somewhere near the Batu Maung area. As you know in Penang, to own a landed property you really need to be really "loaded" & yet i still doubt about the property price within the island that i think i will blog about some other day :)
Back to my original intention of this post is about the thing that I observed when one of the electrician installing the modern yet sophisticated fan in one of the rooms. That actually triggered the thought the old fan back in my parent house.
I had a chance to snap photo of that old "chunk" of speed control/regulator. According to my mum, this antic was bought from Thailand about 50years ago & it is still kickin' hard...with helps from rubber band & solid woods :)
I like the sound that it produced when we switch it On..it's like the sound of beating heart that still proving "it" is still "Alive" & sustained thru the test of time...
In my line of work, to make a product to work for 50years seems to be an insane goal but come to think again...who would like to use the same old product for 50years?
Maybe for my parents..Yes but absolutely Not for the current generation & based on statistic that I read from the other article even the handphone lifeline is about 2years top. But I do promised my wife that the Nokia 5800 XM that she bought for me will last for 3-5 years...Let's cross my fingers on this :)
I guessed I am just mumbling away in this post and at the same time try to share with you all this piece of antic in my parent's home :) that I think it is worth mentioned about "aliving" for so long :)
Labels: Thoughts
Nokia 5800 XM Stuff
I do acknolowledged that this phone has been getting more and more popularity among penangites...especially in my working place. Recently I have found some useful stuff in the net and thinking to share it with you all here...Enjoy :)
1. Disassembly Guide (Just in case, you need it but highly recommended NOT to do it if the phone is still under warranty)
2. Game: UNO
3. Game: Sudoku
Let me know if you have other interesting applications/games to share...
Labels: Gadget