
Enjoy the clip & take 2 minutes to think what is your reaction when this happens to you? :)

Bad gas...

Have you ever noticed some burning smell when tailing big truck/lorry or buses even though your car window is fully closed?
Well, I have & it seems you MUST upgrade your browser if you want to look for more infor in JPJ website else you will get anything out from this website.
I thought there should be freedom to choose NOT to upgrade..…LOUSY webmaster!

Anyway, this post is actually about the tailpipe position. If you noticed most of the petrol sedan or familiy cars, they are rear positioned and the pipe output is facing straight to your car back from behind. Due to petrol comburstion nature, gas discharged is not visible/smelly & not so toxic that they are allowed to be at lower height.

But for trucks, buses & lorries which are using diesel, the carbon monoxide gas that is released should be channelled using the pipe pointing towards the air.

I can still see those with chimne-type pipe on the road but most of the heavy vehicles are positioning their exhaust pipe same height and position as normal as petrol consumption car.
That’s really annoying when you are tailing on this kind of vehicle & with my antic car’s air conditioning performance, no way you can escap in breathing in those toxic, smelly gas. Not forgetting to those fully exposed motorist.

To my surprise when googling, there are few complaints posted in the thestar’s reader section on this issue yet, the issue is still common & you can bet the authority is aiming on other “good & easy thing” to do.

Anyway, I do hope that this issue can be solved & saving the earth is not only by doing recycling but green house effect is also another concern to pay attention to.

*Pictures are courtesy from Wikipedia-> Exhaust System

Penangite...Remember to bring your own Bags when shopping

Penang CM just announced today that more frequent No-Plastic Bags day will be campaigned if getting good response from the public.
Personally, this culture should be cultivated to the younger generation starting now & this is a good start.
In addition, please also start to urge your Building committee if you stay in apartment or condominium to prepare more recycle bins as I have just done my part in proposing this idea to the committee.
I am thinking, state government should also prepare the infrastructure in this whole Recycle Campaign including recycle bins preparations, logistics planning & also collection centers designation.
Well, it might be a lucrative business if you still remembered one of Jackie Chan’s movie…
Till then..Happy Recycling :)


I got this email forwarded by my friend...till now you would able to figure out most of my post here are your contributions :)

The narration language if I am not mistaken is Hebrew but regardless of the country that invented it but to me it is quite an invention.

The short clip is about how animal behavior aspiring the technology advancement into benefiting man kind in search and rescue mission or other dangerous operation that required human intervention. Have fun…

Old But Reliable...

Recently I visited my colleague's new home which is still under renovation somewhere near the Batu Maung area. As you know in Penang, to own a landed property you really need to be really "loaded" & yet i still doubt about the property price within the island that i think i will blog about some other day :)

Back to my original intention of this post is about the thing that I observed when one of the electrician installing the modern yet sophisticated fan in one of the rooms. That actually triggered the thought the old fan back in my parent house.

I had a chance to snap photo of that old "chunk" of speed control/regulator. According to my mum, this antic was bought from Thailand about 50years ago & it is still kickin' hard...with helps from rubber band & solid woods :)

I like the sound that it produced when we switch it's like the sound of beating heart that still proving "it" is still "Alive" & sustained thru the test of time...

In my line of work, to make a product to work for 50years seems to be an insane goal but come to think again...who would like to use the same old product for 50years?

Maybe for my parents..Yes but absolutely Not for the current generation & based on statistic that I read from the other article even the handphone lifeline is about 2years top. But I do promised my wife that the Nokia 5800 XM that she bought for me will last for 3-5 years...Let's cross my fingers on this :)

I guessed I am just mumbling away in this post and at the same time try to share with you all this piece of antic in my parent's home :) that I think it is worth mentioned about "aliving" for so long :)

Nokia 5800 XM Stuff

I do acknolowledged that this phone has been getting more and more popularity among penangites...especially in my working place. Recently I have found some useful stuff in the net and thinking to share it with you all here...Enjoy :)

1. Disassembly Guide (Just in case, you need it but highly recommended NOT to do it if the phone is still under warranty)
2. Game: UNO
3. Game: Sudoku

Let me know if you have other interesting applications/games to share...

Brain Drained...

(This post is coutersy of email from my wife's friend...)
Thought of the day...
The man who invented USB pen-drive is a young modest Malaysian who can't even get into a local University but invented the most versatile, indispensable computer peripheral today. And helped his adopted country, Taiwan made $31bil in the process. The rest is history....

Pua's mighty 'Pen'
Fact file

Name: Pua Khein Seng
Age: 31
Hometown: Sekinchan, Selangor
Education: SJKC Yeok Kuan, Sekinchan; Pin Hwa Independent school, Klang;
Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Occupation: Engineer/ president of Phison
Electonics Corp
Current base: Taipei, Taiwan
Years abroad: 12
WHEN he set off for Taiwan in 1993, Pua Khein Seng's only aim was to complete his degree in Electrical Control Engineering at the renowned Chiao Tung University and return home to work in Malaysia.

Never did he envision himself heading a multi-million dollar Taiwanese company that developed the world's first USB flash removable disk, which they called Pen Drive.

Pua Khein Seng went to Taiwan to get his engineering degree but ended up staying on, starting his own company and inventing the pen drive.

"I went to Taiwan to pursue my undergraduate degree. I chose Taiwan only because it was too expensive to study either in the United States or Singapore.

"However, I did well in my undergraduate programme and was offered a place to do my masters," explained Pua, who was back in Kuala Lumpur recently for a holiday.

After completing his Masters in July 1999, Pua worked for about six months in a local company before deciding to set up his own venture company with four fellow engineers who had studied with him at Chiao Tung.

"We were confident that we had the know-how and ability to start our own business, which is focused on USB technology. The company is called Phison because there are five of us - two Malaysians and three Taiwanese engineers," said Pua, 31, who hails from Sekinchan, Selangor.

Phison Electronics Corporation was set up in November 2000 and within six months the young entrepreneurs came up with their first invention - a USB storage device called Pen Drive.

"We were the first company in the world to develop the USB Drive SoC (System On Chip) and we were very confident that the market for USB will be huge. At the time, no one believed in us so we had to do everything ourselves - from developing the technology, the chips to the product itself.

"We were only 27 at the time and inexperienced. But we were confident that we could design good systems and chips but we didn't know anything about selling. So, we sought partners or traders who could help sell our products for us," Pua added.

Through smart partnerships and shrewd strategies, Phison soon made its way into European, American and Japanese markets. One quick move was securing Japanese tech giant Toshiba as Phison's largest shareholder and customer.

"We launched Pen Drive in June 2001 and by August the same year, we broke even! From September 2001, we were reaping monthly profits from our invention and there has been no turning back since."

Having established himself in Taiwan, Pua is in the midst of setting up Phison's branch in Malaysia, due to begin operations this

"I am starting a branch in Malaysia because this is my country. I would like to do contribute to its development.

"We have about 100 engineers at Phison in Taiwan, 20 of whom are Malaysians. Though they studied in Taiwan, I had to re-train all the engineers I hire because, like most fresh graduates (in this field), they are not industry-ready upon graduation.

"Unfortunately, some of the Malaysian engineers want to return home after a couple of years because they are homesick, about to start a family and so on. Some prefer to work in Singapore, as it is closer to home. Instead of losing them to competitors, I decided to set up an office in Malaysia where they can still work for me," said Pua.

Another problem faced by returning computer engineers from Taiwan, Pua added, was the lack of job opportunities for hardware engineers in Malaysia.

"There is no environment or support for design engineers here in Malaysia. One of my Malaysian engineers from Phison returned home and ended up as a teacher in a Chinese school! I was shocked and thought, 'After all that training and re-training, he is going to just teach?' I told him to hold on till I open up the Phison branch in Malaysia."

Though he has been in Taiwan for the past 12 years and married to a Taiwanese, Pua is not sure how much longer he will remain there.

"I have really no idea where I will be in 20 years. Maybe Taiwan, maybe Malaysia, maybe somewhere else ... it all depends on my business. The industry is moving so fast that I cannot predict what or where I will be," he said.

For the moment though, Taiwan is home for Pua, his wife and two children even though he misses the Malaysian way of life.

"I come home once a year for Chinese New Year and will usually stay for about two weeks. There are several things I really miss about Malaysia. One is the food! For the past 12 years I have been craving for Malaysian food ... I miss laksa, curry noodles, chee cheong fun and all the other delicious dishes we have here.

"I also miss the lifestyle and quality of life here. When I come back, I am always amazed to see people hanging out and relaxing at mamak shops at night. In Taiwan, most people would still be at work at that time of the night!

"Before I got married, I used to work for 15 to 17 hours a day, everyday. Now that I have children, my wife has forbidden me to stay so late. Now, I go to work at 9am and come home by 11pm. These hours are quite normal for the Taiwanese."

Penang to go green every Monday starting next month

I fully supporte this effort..make sure you all in Penang to put more plastic bags in cars or bags (re-use one of cause) when go shopping especially on monday... Go Green!!!

Penang to go green every Monday starting next month
GEORGE TOWN: Penang will make every Monday a “No plastic bag day” from next month in a bid to become the country’s first ‘green’ state.

It is learnt that shoppers who do not bring their own reusable bags will be charged 20 sen for each plastic bag when making purchases from shopping complexes and hypermarkets.
The money collected from the sale of plastic bags will go to the fund to help the state’s hardcore poor, a state government source said.

State Health, Welfare, Caring Society and Environment Committee chairman Phee Boon Poh said shopping complexes and hypermarkets have agreed to the state government’s initiative but there must be wide publicity to make it a success.

The state had distributed declaration forms to shopping complexes and hypermarkets to secure their commitment to the “No plastic bag day”, he told reporters after chairing a meeting with some 20 shopping centre representatives.

Phee said the first batch of “No plastic bag day” posters would be handed out to shopping centres a week before the end of the month.

Among the issues raised during the meeting were the high cost of giving out eco-bags and whether it was appropriate to use them for fresh produce.

Something funny...

I just cannot stop laughing when my wife forward to me this..Enjoy!!

She is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car.
Dear Grand-daughter, The other day I went up to our local Christian
book store and saw a "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker.

I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting.

So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper.

Boy, am I glad I did, what an uplifting experience that followed.

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn't notice that the light had changed.

It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he
hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed...

I found that lots of people love Jesus! While I was sitting there, the guy behind
started honking like crazy, and then he leaned out of his window
and screamed,

' For the love of God! ' ' Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!'

What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!
Everyone started honking! I just leaned out my window and started waving and smiling
at all those loving people.

I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love!
There must have been a man from Florida back there because I heard him yelling something about a sunny beach.

I saw another guy waving in a funny way with only his middle finger
stuck up in the air. I asked my young teenage grandson in the back seat what that meant.

He said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.

Well, I have never met anyone from Hawaii , so I leaned out the window and gave him the
good luck sign right back. My grandson burst out laughing.

Why even he was enjoying this religious experience!!

A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment

that they got out of their cars and started walking towards me.

I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended,

but this is when I noticed the light had changed.

So, I waved at all my brothers and sisters grinning, and drove on through the
intersection. I noticed that I was the only car that got through
the intersection before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared.

So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all
the Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away.

Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!!

write again soon,

Love, Grandma

New Car on the way...

Me & my wife have been aiming for a new car for quite some time although my current 8 years old Iswara Aeroback is still performing up to expectation :) Still traveling almost monthly to my mother-in-law house in Sitiawan without any problem.

So, the decision of upgrading the car is not because the existing car is having problem but we think that it's about time to change :). So, if you all come to this post & interested to purchase a 2nd hand car, feel free to email me :)

Talk about car selection, we are targeting for Japan made car. Although we never drive a foreign made car (Malaysia Boleh!) before but as a common & regular Malaysian, we frequently heard about the comparison result between local & foreign made car. Choosing non-local made car will make your pocket’s hole grow wider, thanks to the hefty import tax imposed.

There are few rules of thumb when deciding your affordability & sustainability prior any car purchase:
1. See how much you have in your bank account J for down payment. Assuming X
2. See how much you can afford to pay for Hire & Purchase Loan installment
*Loan Calculator:
*Road Tax Infor based on cc:

Then of course you have to set aside~RM3-5K for your glass to be tinted, accessories such as shades (Not the one you put on your face L :) ), stereo system maybe?

Recently, I am surveying on the best interest rate available for Hire & Purchase deal in various Banks...but the standard answer I get is 3.4% for 6-9 years loan while 3.25% for <5years>.

I am still seatching for the lowest rate as my car will only available by Sept'09...plenty of time to still search around...Let me know if you have better kang tau....heheh..

Compound-ed Day- Part-2

To update my previous post on Compound-ed Day. This is how my experience in Dato Keramat's Police station goes...BTW, the Traffic counter (For you to pay saman, opens from 9am to 430pm)

1. There is no such thing called "Appeal" in this matter. What the counter police did was to check your compound number in computer & told you how much you need to pay. As claimed, all the figure are discounted already, so No Need for any appeal letter.

2. He even showed me this list where I found in the internet about the discounted rate AND it is NO SUCH THING and It is not from PDRM.

3. The compound that I got the day before is not yet in the system, so they need to manually do it. To our surprise, the amount is exactly the same as my friend "settled" and we are so happy that this was not in someone else pocket rather than the right authority. Hopefully they put to good use on my total RM250 contribution.
As usual, you can hear a lot of "good stories" in front of the counter where people complained different things and one thing to share is you better safekeep all the receipts that you've paid for the compund as I heard that one of uncle actually getting double charged but he lost the receipts.
This make us wonder what the use of getting a computer system or database if it ain't doing any good of keeping records. I guessed we will have to "settle" on what we "have" for now...
Share with me if you have other interesting experiences with regards to this matter...:). Till then, be safe on the road...

Compound-ed Days

For this post, I think I would like to share on what most Malaysian faced in their daily life on the road -> Saman / Compound from the traffic offences.
Recently, I am getting a "Big envelope" from PDRM (Police) due to speeding in PLUS highway & mind you the speed limit I travelled is 73km/h in 60km/h stretch: Guilty as Charged although I am not sure this is really the speed limit I am traveling as the offence occurred 1st Nov 2008.

Yesterday, when me and my wife were travelling back home after getting food in Sunshine Market. We were stopped by so called “road block” in front of Motorola or HSBC Building by 3 Police officers. The offence again read loud to me is “You can’t turn right when coming out from the Sunshine market”. The argument is there is no signboard stating you cannot do so but there is an white paint arrow drawn on the tar road… is my another big Ang Pow.

To our surprise, the Corporal seems to repeatly asking if he can write the compound..well at least 3 times & he stopped his hand when I asked how much is the compound. He rudely said: RM300 then he says again: I write your compound now????. Me & my wife know what he is trying to do & I think most of the Malaysian know where is leading to. But we still insists on Not to brib* as we cannot stand his "attitude" in so called "up-holding" the pride of "Serving People" as this has been PDRM tagline. Here we are, going home with 1 additional saman on hand & unfortunately to my other friend too as he is making the same offence. I called him up when I get home & he said his one has been “Settled” with certain amount know what. He also told me that he tried to appeal before & the process is so much hassle including travelling to Police Station to check on the status for at least 3 times before manage to get some percentage of reduction.

I am also preparing 2 letters of appeal & let’s see if it helps when I go to the Data Keramat Police Station today… I might post the Appeal Letter format if it works & let me know if you all are interested as I cannot really find an official appeal letter format in the internet...:P

Mighty "Salt"

I got this email forwarded to me by my wife and I believed many of you did received this as well. So, for the shake of "Sharing Spirit" & continue to "spam" my "Goodies" tagged column to those that did not get this, I decided to "paste" it here. Do go down the list & explore... and remember to keep salt with you during traveling/backpacking or at home... who knows you might get to impress some chicks/gents out there ;) . The one that i "surprise" the most: #50. What about yours? :)

1. If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the
egg, let it sit for awhile, then use dustpan, the egg will come right up,
without all that mess. Contributed by Ms. Jerry McGinnis.
2. Soak stained
hankies in salt water before washing.
3. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to
keep ants away.
4. Soak fish in salt water before decaling; the scales will
come off easier.
5. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier
6. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
7. Test the
freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.
8. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg
will stay in its shell this way.
9. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites
makes them beat up fluffier.
10. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted
water solution to perk them up.
11. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and
your flapjacks won't stick.
12. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you
first use them; they will last longer.
13. Use salt to clean your discolored
coffee pot.
14. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet
15. Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight and they will crack out of
their shells whole. Just tap the end of the shell with a hammer to break it open
16. Boil clothes pins in salt water before using them and they will
last longer.
17. Clean brass, copper and pewter with paste made of salt and
vinegar, thickened with flour
18. Add a little salt to the water your cut
flowers will stand in for a longer life.
19. Pour a mound of salt on an ink
spot on your carpet; let the salt soak up the stain.
20. Clean your iron by
rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the ironing surface.
21. Adding a
little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double boiler will make the
food cook faster.
22. Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano
23. To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and
starch, with just enough water to make stiff putty.
24. Rinse a sore eye
with a little salt water.
25. Mildly salted water makes an effective
mouthwash. Use it hot for a sore throat gargle.
26. Dry salt sprinkled on
your toothbrush makes a good tooth polisher.
27. Use salt for killing weeds
in your lawn.
28. Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.
29. A
dash of salt in warm milk makes a more relaxing beverage.
30. Before using
new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for a while.
31. A dash of salt
enhances the taste of tea.
32. Salt improves the taste of cooking apples.
33. Soak your clothesline in salt water to prevent your clothes from
freezing to the line; likewise, use salt in your final rinse to prevent the
clothes from freezing.
34. Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt
water to prevent yellowing.
35. Fresh sponges by soaking them in salt water.
36. Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.
37. Soak
enamel pans in salt water overnight and boil salt water in the next day to
remove burned-on stains.
38. Clean your greens in salt water for easier
removal of dirt.
39. Gelatin sets more quickly when a dash of salt is added.
40. Fruits put in mildly salted water after peeling will not discolor.
41. Fabric colors hold fast in salty water wash.
42. Milk stays fresh
longer when a little salt is added.
43. Use equal parts of salt and soda for
brushing your teeth.
44. Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.
45. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove stains.
46. Clean greasy pans with a paper towel and salt.
47. Salty water boils
faster when cooking eggs.
48. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make
it whip more quickly.
49. Sprinkle salt in milk-scorched pans to remove
50. A dash of salt improves the taste of coffee.
51. Boil
mismatched hose in salty water and they will come out matched.
52. Salt and
soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.
53. Cover wine-stained
fabric with salt; rinse in cool water later.
54. Remove offensive odors from
stove with salt and cinnamon.
55. A pinch of salt improves the flavor of
56. To remove grease stains in clothing, mix one part salt to four
parts alcohol.
57. Salt and lemon juice removes mildew.
58. Sprinkle
salt between sidewalk bricks where you don't want grass growing.
59. Polish
your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look. Remove odors from sink
drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of salt water.
60. If a pie bubbles
over in your oven, put a handful of salt on top of the spilled juice. The mess
won't smell and will bake into a dry, light crust which will wipe off easily
when the oven has cooled.

Jasmine Tea Health Benefits

We never know jasmine green tea (茉莉花茶; pinyin: mòlì huāchá) to be so beneficial until being re-iterated by one of our close friend. I experienced it myself & also few colleagues of mine...the outcome is really positive! Within 2-3days of constant Jasmine Tea intake, flu & sore throat have really gone away.

Even more encouraging is it fight viruses and bacteria thus might able to prevent the current Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic outbreak & provide anti-oxidant effects too...:)

So, why not go ahead and try it....let me know if it works for you...

Jasmine Tea Health Benefits
Made for many centuries from Chinese Green tea leaves and scented jasmine flowers, jasmine tea, known also as Xiang Pian or Mo Li Hua Cha is possibly the most popular scented tea worldwide, which is believed to have far more health benefits as compared to regular tea. Jasmine tea health is responsible for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level, regulating aging, reducing stress, preventing certain cancers and strengthening the immune system among other positive impacts.

Cultivated widely for its beautiful flowers, jasmine is any of the diverse subtropical and tropical plants with more than 200 species and fragrant flowers of white, yellow and red. Its blossoms are generally picked around midnight when they are in full bloom. Then these flowers are placed over the green tea leaves with the aim of transferring the fragrance, which creates a strong taste and a powerful scent of green tea jasmine. However, jasmine teas are made not only on the base of green teas, but also some variations of black tea flavored with various herbs.

Regarded as one of the healthiest teas enjoyed by tea drinkers all over the world, jasmine tea health benefits are considerable. By eliminating free radicals it prevents some forms of cancer, which also arrests aging. It also connects with cholesterol and blocks it, decreases level of cholesterol in blood, as well as prevents bad cholesterol, caused by oxidation. The impact of jasmine tea on circulatory system is even more beneficial, since it is believed to prevent brain strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis and arterial sclerosis. It is good for diabetes prevention and reducing high blood pressure.

In addition, jasmine tea fights viruses and bacteria, preventing thus influenza, cavities and food poisoning, including cholera, dysentery, mouth bacteria damaging teeth and piccoli causing gastric ulcers. One of the jasmine tea health benefits is to improve intestine conditions by blocking development and growth of bad bacteria and strengthening good bacteria. Connecting with such substances as human waste, meat, fish and breath, the tea prevents odor. Gargling with jasmine green tea is also believed to be one of the most effective ways to protect oneself from influenza, as the tea performs anti-viral functions.

Apart from such jasmine tea health benefits as prevention of cancer and heart diseases, recent studies show that drinking jasmine tea may fight fat. People who consumed tea with green tea extract during the period of three months lost more fat as compared to those who consumed regular oolong tea. According to researchers, substances found in jasmine tea, known as catechins, trigger weight loss by decreasing body fat and stimulating body to burn calories.
The content of catechin generally varies by the amount of jasmine green tea used, as well as steeping time. However, it is recommended to consume at least four cups a day. Also available are green tea extract supplements, which reduce LDL bad cholesterol. Thus, drinking jasmine green tea has proved to be an effective means of lowering cholesterol and burning calories, as well as reducing body fat.

Other jasmine tea health benefits include the ability to reduce the risk of blood clot, prevent allergy and flue, reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar, keep fluid balance, boost the immune system and provide oral care and fluoride that helps protect cavities and prevent tooth decay.

Most green teas with jasmine contain a significant amount of polyphenols, plant-based substances which have proven to have antiviral, anticancer and antioxidant properties.

How bottom is bottom in share market?

Me and my friends came into this discussion when we were exploring about the methods of getting "extra" cash fast, easy & low capital....well, you can always head to "Uncle Lim's" or you can "gamble" the legal way -> Share market. The market has tumbled since late last year & many small capitalist like me and my colleagues were always looking for an open opportunity to make a fast buck or two. Actually, to put it in the right prospective..I am not into share market anymore be it local or foreign after got burned last year...although the damage is minor but as the old saying" Cheated once, shame on you; cheated twice, shame on me...well let's not dwell into old tales..

Frequently, i was asked "you think it is time now to venture into share market now? it seems the share market has hit the bottom" As usual, my answers are simple: Who defined bottom? How do you know it is the bottom? Frankly, no one can answer that and my intention is not to pour any "cold water" to them after they heard their uncle's son's daughter's grandfather's uncle had earned quite a lucrative sum after investing into so called "Share market" or "Foreign Currency Exchange".

Most people made a mistake when using historical data as reference to "go in" to the paper jungle & 1 of my advice to them is you can always based on historical data BECAUSE it is already PAST but what you are going to venture in is UNKNOWN. There is no restriction law of getting new bottom hits.

I am not against any "Investment" nor any "Fast Harvest" activities & if this exploration is so fruitful which I think most of people (especially broker that earn tiny commision from your trades) will be FULL TIME Trader rather working as a "cow" or "ant" like most of us.

My 2cents: Think twice before even thinking about "investing" into this & if you really have 1000% confidence (hypothetically, you have news from Datuk/Datin that sign their word on blood), make sure you use your "SPARE" money rather than your car/house loan or meal dollar :)

No Kopitiam visit…

Me and my wife went shopping last weekend in QB mall in Penang & we stopped by *ld T*wn Restaurant for tea break at about 2pm.
This restaurant used to be a favorite due to it’s food Quality, Cost and logistic in the shopping mall. But last weekend’s incident really spoilt my perception toward this local expanding brand name.

Minus the recent price hike which was introduced, the customer service has really deteriorated. Actually my wife ordered a Double Toasted Kaya bread for starter & we were served Cold. I thought the menu stated “Toast” with reference to “Fresh Toast” if I understand it correctly but this is not what we were really getting. Secondly, we hardly see any Kaya inside the bread. After a few bites, we got frustrated with the cold bread and butter. We decided to complain to the Manager & after waving to the foreigner Manager (Judging from the costume he is wearing) to our table, we tried to tell him the toast is cold in both English and Malay language, but he seemed at lost, probably due to the fact that he do not understand those languages. Then, when we mentioned about Manager, he seems to understand and ask another local “Manager” to come over.

After explaining ourselves to that manager, he only asked 1 Question: How long has this being served? We replied: Just NOW! Then he just dumped the remaining bread to the plate and said: “I will get you a new one”.
We were surprised that the Manager did not even apologized & yet showing us his disrespectful look. The 2nd set was not so warm anyway and sadly, it was just the same as the first serving. Are we too choosy? Well you judge yourself in below photos.

Gosh…we were so pissed & I don’t think we will ever visit that restaurant again….well…maybe not in the near future.

As published in the website:

What we get

My new toy: Nokia 5800 Express Music

Well, I got this hp from my wife as part of my 2009 birthday present :). The reason I chose this hp in the first place are due some few reasons behind: P, L, C. In Cantonese, they meant => Peng (Cheap/Affordable), Leng(Nice to see), Cheng(Capable). It is part of the objective of this site to share with you on some of the ways to make a wise decision. I have always been longing to have a multi-purpose phone with integrated GPS , Wifi, Radio & 8g micro-SD memory card . On the market, there is a lot of varieties ranging from Omnia to Iphone but the they do not meet my PLC criteria.

The phone specs are be found Here:
The price is RM1320 from Prangin Mall, Penang. Email me personally if you want to know which shop in specific :)

To add, the OS (Operating system) used in Nokia smartphone is kind of standard which is Symbian OS (Operating System) - S60, 5th edition with touch screen ability. Just google “Nokia 5800 free application” & you will able to find plenty of them ready to be downloaded & among some that I found it interesting & useful are:

1. Nokia PC Suite:
Basically you can do all your phone’s task using you pc instead of pressing the screens with usb or Bluetooth connection (Nokia 5800 does not come with Infra red capability)

2. Garmin Mobile XT with free map download at :
Nokia 5800 comes with integrated GPS (GPS + A-GPS)

3. Free download Games in official Nokia Hong Kong site:
Don’t forget to scroll down within the page as there are more than 30 free applications for you to play with (Big2master, Mahjong…etc)

4. Fring – IM, Chatting, VOIP application in 1-Application (MSN, Skype, ICQ, Twitter, Facebook, Google Talk…etc):

5. Torch light functionality:

Few things I think the phone can be further improved:
1. Reduce response time when you tilt your phone to horizontal mode (takes about 3-4seconds) to 1-2seconds

2. Increase more shortcut keys from 4 to user defined figure. (Only 4 allows for now)

Other than the above..the phone just works excellent.

I just bought a china Made N*kia BH-108 BT headset (RM30), Multi-purpose car charger (RM14.90) & Holder Mount (RM9) in April’09 Penang PC Fair.

The Begining...

They said you will never be too late to start anything & with that in mind, I am leaping first step to start this blog.

For my small little corner, what I intended to do is to share my point of view & build a sharing resource around it for readers to comment & extend or enhance the post. Sounds like a noble intention

At last, I know for sure I will have at least one loyal fan -> My ever loving Wife-Marilyn & looking forward to have more of you all joining the discussion…