Compound-ed Day- Part-2

To update my previous post on Compound-ed Day. This is how my experience in Dato Keramat's Police station goes...BTW, the Traffic counter (For you to pay saman, opens from 9am to 430pm)

1. There is no such thing called "Appeal" in this matter. What the counter police did was to check your compound number in computer & told you how much you need to pay. As claimed, all the figure are discounted already, so No Need for any appeal letter.

2. He even showed me this list where I found in the internet about the discounted rate AND it is NO SUCH THING and It is not from PDRM.

3. The compound that I got the day before is not yet in the system, so they need to manually do it. To our surprise, the amount is exactly the same as my friend "settled" and we are so happy that this was not in someone else pocket rather than the right authority. Hopefully they put to good use on my total RM250 contribution.
As usual, you can hear a lot of "good stories" in front of the counter where people complained different things and one thing to share is you better safekeep all the receipts that you've paid for the compund as I heard that one of uncle actually getting double charged but he lost the receipts.
This make us wonder what the use of getting a computer system or database if it ain't doing any good of keeping records. I guessed we will have to "settle" on what we "have" for now...
Share with me if you have other interesting experiences with regards to this matter...:). Till then, be safe on the road...


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